Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Amendment- Freedom of assembly

Source:  "California ruling puts President Obama on the spot"
Constitutional connection
  Amendment I: Freedom of assembly
Clause 6 of Amendment I ;"The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Explanation of Connection
  Activists are puzzled at President Obama's refusal to endorse gay marriage. Gay and lesbian activists feel as though President Obama has pushed this issue to the "back burner." Citizens are unsatisied and appauled at the "champion he promised to be." They remain uneasy because of Obama's nuanced attitude towards legalizing gay marriage in California. President Obama has opposed the California ballot, seeking to ban it.

This article clearly demonstrates the first amendment and the right of people to peacebly assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances. Conservative voices see that younger people of all political persuasions are more accepting of homosexuality  rather than older people. Not only are the people of California protesting the right to gay marriages but the same is occuring in many other states.

I feel that just like the other situation,President Obama should put his feelings to the side and do what is right. All people should be treated with equality. Gay/lesbian or straight. All are human beings and sexual prefrences should not determine whether or not you may be happy and treated like a United States citizen.

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